Sec. 30-2. Regulations and Standards; City Sewer System; Enforcement Authority.
Except as otherwise modified herein, the most recent and applicable ordinance of Monterey One Water currently entitled “Establishing Regulations for the Interception, Treatment and Disposal of Sewage and Wastewater; Providing for and Requiring Charges and Fees Therefore; and Fixing Penalties for the Violation of Said Regulations,” establishing certain standards for the interception, treatment and disposal of wastewater into the sanitary sewer system, is hereby adopted by reference herein, including any past or future amendments made by Monterey One Water to comply with State and/or Federal laws or regulations. Said regulations shall be applicable to all discharges into the sanitary sewer system of the City, and consistent with the City’s current Sanitary Sewer Management Plan (SSMP). Monterey One Water or the City of Monterey are hereby authorized and empowered to administer and enforce said regulations within the City.
The Board of Directors of Monterey One Water is empowered to hear and determine all appeals from Monterey One Water action or enforcement pursuant to the “Appeals” section of the most recent Monterey One Water ordinance, currently referenced as Section 6.05 of Ordinance No. 2008-01, and their determination shall be final. The City Council of the City of Monterey shall hear and determine all appeals from City action or enforcement pursuant to City and other regulatory requirements, and their determination shall be final. (Ord. 3684 § 9, 2024; Ord. 3446 § 1, 2010)