Sec. 13-7. Very high fire hazard severity zone.
This section shall be known as the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone (VHFHSZ) and is adopted pursuant to the requirements of Government Code Sections 51175 through 51189. The Director of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection has recommended the area described as VHFHSZ. The City of Monterey VHFHSZ is designated on a map titled City of Monterey, Fire Hazard Severity Zones, dated October 4, 2008, and is retained on file at the office of the State Fire Marshal (Exhibit A to the ordinance codified in this section). The map is consistent with the City of Monterey General Plan. Whenever a more restrictive standard is set forth on any of the City’s codes or State law, the more restrictive standard shall apply in all cases. (Ord. 3434 § 1, 2009)