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Section 3301 Explosives and Fireworks.

(a) As used herein, the term “fireworks” shall refer to and have the same meaning as that set forth in Health and Safety Code Section 12511.

(b) The sale, offering for sale, display, possession, or discharge of fireworks by any person or entity is hereby prohibited.

(c) Fireworks found within Monterey shall be subject to confiscation, turned over to the Fire Department, and upon conviction, pleas of guilty of nolo contendere, or posting and forfeiting of bail, shall be disposed of in a safe manner. Violation of this section shall constitute a misdemeanor.

(d) The remainder of this section notwithstanding, the possession and discharge of fireworks for public display by licensed pyrotechnic operators may be permitted if approved by the Fire Chief.

(Ord. 3455 § 7, 2010)