Sec. 12-2. Powers and duties of City Treasurer.
The Finance Director, in his capacity as City Treasurer, shall have the following powers and duties:
a.To receive and safely keep all money of the City deposited with him in connection with any business thereof, for all of which he shall give duplicate receipts, one of which shall be filed forthwith with the City Auditor. Before any money is accepted or received by him on account of any indebtedness due the City, he shall receive a certificate from the City Auditor specifying the amount thereof to be paid.
b.To pay out all money, except the principal and interest due on the bonds of the City, including improvement bonds thereof, on warrants signed by the proper officers and not otherwise. He shall pay out all money for the principal and interest due on bonds of the City, including improvement bonds thereof, by check countersigned by the City Auditor, and all other payments, transfers or withdrawals of City money except as otherwise set forth in this Chapter, shall be by check signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the Auditor.
c.To make monthly statements showing the receipts and disbursements for each month, except during the months of September, December, March and June, at which time he shall make quarterly statements showing the receipts and disbursements for each quarter ending September 30, December 31, March 31 and June 30 respectively. Such statements shall show in detail the condition of each fund required to be set apart by the Treasurer and one copy of each such statement shall be filed with the City Clerk and one delivered to the City Manager within ten days after the date each such statement is due. The Finance Director shall make quarterly settlements with the City Auditor.
d.Before entering upon his/her duties, to take the oath of office provided for in the Constitution of the state and either (i) file an official bond in the amount to be set from time to time by the City Manager for the faithful performance of his/her duties, payable to the City or (ii) be covered by a public employee dishonesty/crime policy of insurance with limits as established by the City Manager. Such bond or insurance shall be to the satisfaction of the City Manager. The premium of such bond or insurance shall be paid by the City. The bond or proof insurance shall be filed with the City Clerk. (Ord. 3535 § 2, 2016; Ord. 3472 § 6, 2012)